REP Week 7

I was browsing Reddit when I came across this one. This is an ad for the new CBS series, Tell Me A Story; a show that intertwines fairy tales with the darker parts of real-world New York. Let’s analyze why I think this is an effective design.



the portraits create repitition with each consecutive photo within each other, drawing you towards the center of each portrait and seeing each person in each portrait.




The black blur that frames the ad draws the eyes toward the center. It also helps some of the text pop quite nicely.


this ad uses two types of fonts, one that is used for the title, which really stands out, and the other used for the rest of the type. The title even uses a different color to make it stand out even more.



I think that the design of this ad catches the dark nature of the show. It’s dark and hazy, has a unique font type for the title, and the design draws your eye through the ad quite nicely.

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